Saturday, June 06, 2015

The Real Homphobia

It's weird that I have picked up a couple of new Twitter followers that are gay activists. I'm not sure why a gay activist would want to follow me. Right in my Twitter profile, I describe myself, firmly tongue-in-cheek, as "homophobe, transphobe, Obamaphobe," etc. There are people who believe the harshest condemnation of another exists in words like these. Calling myself a homophobe is taking the power away from a name-caller, and inviting them to view me on an intellectual plane, rather than an emotional plane.

One of my new followers describes himself in his profile as "a proud Gay LGBTQ Activist." Another of my new followers is handled @WipeHomophobia, and is dedicated to ending homophobia.

I have some advice for this group. Immediately stop using the term, "homophobia." It's a nonsensical term. The Greek term, "homos," means same. That would make "homophobia" literally mean "fear of the same." The Latin etymology is even more interesting. Latin is a "Proto-Indo-European" language, and confers two meanings to the word, "man," and "earth." Thus, "homophobia" literally means "fear of man."

Today, everybody knows what "homophobia" is supposed to mean. An unwanted, irrational fear of homosexuality that manifests as antipathy, hatred, and discrimination. The suffix "phobia" first came into being to describe "hydrophobia," fear of water, especially as a symptom of rabies. Therefore it is not uncommon to describe any criticism of homosexuality as foaming-at-the-mouth, spittle-flecked invective, and so on.

Where do I stand amidst the wide spectrum of potential critics of homosexuality? It's not religious. I believe in God but I'm not a Bible-thumper. It's not ignorance. I have gay friends. My freshman college roommate is gay, and we would be friends today had I not unfriended him. He had one too many Facebook posts comparing homosexual critics to Nazis.

I guess my feelings about homosexuals may be summed up by analogue to the pro-suffrage song, "Sister Suffragette," sung by Mrs. Winifred Banks in the movie, Mary Poppins. "Though we adore men individually, we agree that as a group they're rather stupid."

Most people who bore witness to the mob rage dispensed to Memories Pizza were dismayed by the tactics of the homosexual activists. I don't know of any gay activists who condemned the intimidation and death threats.

To the contrary, in fact. These tactics are celebrated as evidence that direct action works. It works to silence dissent. That's the lesson Brendan Eich learned. Being opposed to gay marriage is de facto proof of homophobia.

I'm not opposed to gay marriage per se. I am in favor of equality before the law. If that means the marriage contract, then so be it. I oppose on principle the extension of the civil marriage contract into the sanctified area of holy matrimony. I believe the imposition of "marriage equality" is actually a gigantic wrecking ball aimed squarely at the institution.

And now, just for saying what I believe, absent any attempt at reason, I have exposed myself to charges of hate speech, and I fear that anyone reading this is going to find out where I work, and put pressure on my employer to fire me. I fear that my name will be defamed, and that I will never be able to find work again, and that I will become homeless and die alone under a freeway overpass. I'm afraid that merely expressing a thought contrary to the safe LGBTQ hugbox, that I will be destroyed.

That's the real homophobia.

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