Thursday, May 21, 2015

Moral Panic At Venice High

Lavrentiy Beria famously said to his boss, Josef Stalin, "show me the man, and I will find you the crime." Beria was the U.S.S.R. security chief during Stalin's regime.

This is kind of like the moral panic about sexual assault that is gripping America. The L.A.P.D. has a security apparatus that would make Beria proud. In March, they swept into Venice High School and arrested ten boys. The boys were led away in handcuffs in front of their classmates. Several more were arrested away from school.

Yesterday, the L.A.P.D. pulled an Emily Litella. Never mind! Prosecutors have decided there was "insufficient evidence" to press charges against the fifeteen students.

The boys were arrested because allegations were made that they committed forced sexual acts upon the girls. Other sexual acts were reportedly "consensual with individuals who are too young to give consent."

If police are going to arrest every high school boy who has consensual sex with a person too young to give consent, they are going to have to empty out the high schools.

Is it possible that the sex acts were not forced? Looks like it. There were allegations of verbal coercion. Being persistent is going to be criminalized as coercion. These boys may have had their reprieves from this heinous crime grandfathered in before nationwide affirmative consent laws are codified.

Which is not to say their lives aren't ruined. "The Oarsman, the school’s newspaper, reported last month that the boys no longer attended Venice High."

Los Angeles reporter Eric Leonard of KFI has been on top of this case, and reported on morning radio that "a parent of one of the girls may have been pressuring the L.A.P.D." to make arrests in this case.

I would really like to see the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat logs of the two girls involved. I'm guessing there are some along the lines of we still haven't really had a paul-emma chill sesh since summmmerrrr.

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