Monday, March 02, 2015

Netanyahu's Address

Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a speech to AIPAC today. Tomorrow he will address a joint session of Congress. He told listeners that he didn't intend "to show any disrespect to President Obama or the esteemed office that he holds. I have great respect for both."

Bibi, the feeling is not mutual. Barack Hussein Obama holds you in utter contempt. So does everyone in his Administration. Last year, an administration official called Netanyahu chickenshit. The official who made the comment bravely hid behind the veil of anonymity.

The year before that, Secretary of State John Kerry threatened a third intifada if Israel didn't "resolve the issue of settlements." In other words, to withdraw to the 1948 borders.

Obama's Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, has advocated for American military intervention in Judea and Samaria. To protect the Palestinians from the Israelis. She referred to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a situation that "does require external intervention."

A story that broke yesterday involved Obama threatening to shoot down Israeli warplanes should they attempt to strike Iran. According to a Kuwaiti newspaper, Netanyahu told Kerry that Israel was planning the attack.

Reuters' Jeff Mason interviewed Obama today. Why didn't Mason ask Obama about this?

In any case, the report was not surprising. I have been reading reports for years of Obama officials warning Israel from using Iraqi airspace. One nation that has reportedly granted overflight privileges to Israeli warplanes is Saudi Arabia. If Israel did attack Iran, Saudi Arabia would be cheering vigorously from the sidelines.

If and when Iran does consummate its nuclear ambitions, the Saudis will buy their own nuclear arsenal from Pakistan.

That Obama is so defensive about Netanyahu addressing Congress indicates that Obama knows that any agreement with Iran is a bad deal. If it were a good deal, Obama could just point to the agreement. The interim agreement gives in to Iran's demand that they have the "right" to enrich uranium. It says nothing about Iranian research into advanced centrifuges.

The interim agreement does not limit Iran's construction on its heavy-water reactor at Arak. This reactor will produce enough plutonium for one or two nuclear weapons each year when complete. And the interim agreement does not restrict Iran's ballistic missile program.

As of this writing, fifty-four Democrat lawmakers are going to boycott Netanyahu's address. Senator Tim Kaine said that "there is no reason to schedule this speech before Israeli voters go to the polls on March 17." The deadline for conditions of the interim agreement being met is March 24. That reason enough for you, Tim?

Elizabeth Warren just announced that she will be boycotting Netanyahu's speech, as well. Obama is whipping them good. Even money says Obama has something disruptive planned. Obama used Code Pink to try to arrest Henry Kissinger. At this point nothing would surprise me.

1 comment:

glenda rogers said...

Thoughtful, insights here... like your writing!