Saturday, February 14, 2015

Moral March Madness

The hashtag #MoralMarch is trending right now on Twitter. I noticed the hashtag because I follow Cecile Richards, the President of Planned Parenthood. She has been tweeting all morning, like the following: "No better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than marching for #LoveAndJustice at the #MoralMarch in Raleigh! @PPSATNC"

We are truly through the looking glass when the nation's largest abortion provider is marching under the banner of morality.

It's also a case of defining deviancy down. Former Democratic Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote that "we have been re-defining deviancy so as to exempt much conduct previously stigmatized, and also quietly raising the "normal" level in categories where behavior is now abnormal by any earlier standard."

Daniel Patrick Moynihan would not be welcome in today's Democratic Party. This is the same party that voted any references to God out of the party platform at the 2012 National Convention.

Moynihan also wrote about the disintegration of the black nuclear family. He repeatedly said, "about a quarter of Negro families are headed by women. The divorce rate is about 2 1/2 times what it is [compared with whites]. The number of fatherless children keeps growing." And it's a lot worse now. Nearly three quarters of black children are born into fatherless households.

That's some Great Society you built there.

The impetus behind #MoralMarch is the head of the North Carolina NAACP, Reverend William Barber II, who started #Moral Mondays. The American Prospect notes that he quotes Isaiah 10, saying, "Woe unto those who legislate evil." Then why bring Planned Parenthood to the party? Has the good Reverend never heard of the biblical injunction against murder?

#MoralMarch is just today's incarnation of the Occupy Movement, and PPUSA brings the cash and organizing muscle. This is the new Democrat coalition. #MoralMarch is moving "beyond its NAACP base and garnering support from labor, immigrant, environmental, LGBT, and women’s organizations." By "environmental," they really mean Malthusians who want to depopulate the earth. And by "women's organizations," they mean abortion absolutists who are helping them get there. In 2012, there were more black babies aborted than born in New York City.

Featured prominently in The American Prospect's article is a woman named Crystal Price, who is participating with one of the sponsors, Raise Up. Raise Up is an organization that wants to raise the minimum wage. Price is involved because she is a fast-food worker with two children and cervical cancer. "I don’t have Medicaid," she wept. Considering the Medicaid income cutoff without the Obamacare expansion is more than $23,500 for a family of four, I find it hard to believe she wouldn't qualify.

Even if she doesn't have a husband, which is likely, the income cutoff is still more than $19,000. Even if her two children are no longer dependents, which is possible since she is 38, she would have to work 40 hour weeks every week of the year, and she would be over the cutoff by four hundred dollars. You know what, Crystal, you could always move to Virginia. States being the laboratories of democracy and all that.

She might want to take the Medicaid expansion up with President Obama. States don't want to expand Medicaid because while the initial 100% federal match rate for the expansion population is very tempting, the match rate starts to decline in three years and falls to 90% by 2020. The first three years of one hundred percent matching funds is the carrot; the stick was the threat of the state losing all federal Medicaid funds. Thankfully, the Roberts court struck that down.

Besides, Crystal, I wouldn't wish Medicaid on my worst enemy. Study after study shows that Medicaid outcomes are worse than having no insurance coverage at all.

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