Sunday, January 25, 2015

Soros' Useful Idiots

Ever since the summer riots in Ferguson, Missouri, activists have been casting about for new, creative approaches to civil disobedience. As always, it is done purely for the eye of the lens. The news media is ever eager to amplify their message. I saw a new technique on display last November 26, when student protesters shut down Interstate 5.

It's always "student protesters," isn't it? The media would tell us if they were career insurrectionists, right?

The previous night, November 25, protesters shut down Interstate 580 and the Harbor Freeway. Perhaps the most audacious highway shutdown occurred in Boston when the idiots handcuffed themselves to cement-filled barrels in the lanes of I-93. The Boston chaos was masterminded by a group that claims nationwide status, Black Lives Matter.

I wonder how many of these "student protesters" are aware of how they are being used and manipulated. It was reported that George Soros' group, the Open Society Foundation, spent $33 million to whip up anger and resentment in Ferguson. Nine out of ten of those arrested in Ferguson were outsiders, probably bussed in.

George Soros is a billionaire, most famous for pocketing a cool billion from shorting the British pound. If you want to talk about shadowy conspiracies and the deep state, look no farther than Soros. He is also very involved in media control and suppression, via Media Matters. Soros is in this to make a buck.

The freeway anarchists shut down the San Mateo-Hayward Bridge as part of their commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. Some news outlets claimed that they were anti-Israel activists. This I did not believe, but there it was in the chopper video feed, the Palestinian flag strewn across lanes.

Minority groups react strongly when they see whites perpetrating "cultural appropriation." Twitter had a shit-storm last week when a blonde teenage girl styled her hair in box braids. I know people who get upset when whites quote portions of King's "I Have A Dream," speech.

These freeway anarchists are just as guilty of appropriating Martin Luther King, Jr. for their own purposes. I don't imagine any one in the group @SiliconShutdown is aware of how Dr. King actually thought of the state of Israel. A Stanford education apparently isn't all that it once was.

Dr. King:

"Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality."

Dr. King:

"...You declare, my friend; that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely ‘anti-Zionist’ … And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God’s green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews… Anti-Semitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently anti-Semitic, and ever will be so."

Ima put #Stanford68 on blast.

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