Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Genius At Work

I'm not sure who is dumber, Jenny McCarthy or the people who listen to her. The producers of Dumb And Dumber To should have cast McCarthy opposite Jim Carrey as stupid parents. McCarthy could be the helicopter mom and Carrey could be the brain-damaged roughhousing dad. There's your conflict right there. The plot could be how the two come together to help their junior dumb-ass learn to fit in at the exclusive day-care center. It practically writes itself.

A major news story lately is the so-called Disneyland Measles Outbreak. This is very misleading, as it implies that people who go to Disneyland are somehow exposing themselves to the measles. Full disclosure: I am a shareholder in The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS $94.14 Dn 0.79(0.83%)). I am hoping that they go to par and earn me a three-bagger.

I am not oblivious to the irony that McCarthy spent a year on The View, an ABC production. ABC is wholly-owned by The Walt Disney Company. I knew that when I became a shareholder. I bought in because Disney bought back Pixar.

McCarthy's Wikipedia page lists her as an "actress, comedian, activist." Actress, maybe. Comedian, no. Comedians stand alone on a stage with a microphone in front of a live audience, and are funny. Jenny McCarthy is not funny. You know who is funny? Her cousin Melissa McCarthy is funny. Anna Faris is very funny. Blonde girl crossing her eyes and making faces is not funny.

She is an activist. Her son, Evan, was diagnosed with autism when he was three. It is now generally believed that this was a mis-diagnosis, and that her son suffers from Landau–Kleffner Syndrome. Nonetheless, McCarthy began an anti-vaccine crusade, assisted to no small degree by radical environmentalist wackos like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

McCarthy's celebrity has amplified her anti-vaccine messages, such as:

"If you ask a parent of an autistic child if they want the measles or the autism, we will stand in line for the fucking measles."

"Moms and pregnant women are coming up to me on the street going, ‘I don’t know what to do’… And I don’t know what to tell them, because I am surely not going to tell anyone to vaccinate. But if I had another child, there’s no way in hell."

McCarthy made the mistake of confusing correlation with causation. The paper by Dr. Andrew Wakefield helped to convince her that the MMR vaccine causes autism. Never mind that the Lancet has retracted the paper. Her crusading and general lack of warmth helped end her gravy train at The View

Liberal progressives claim to believe in science, but they make this mistake all the time. Like when they attribute the warming of the earth, which is emerging from the Little Ice Age, to human activity.

Perhaps the only silver lining in this story is that those parents who claim exemptions from vaccines are clustered in liberal progressive enclaves. I wouldn't wish the measles on anyone's child. I wouldn't wish autism on anyone's child. I just pray that the people who claim to understand science will wake up to their superstition.

Update: The neighbor just came over to inform me that they are having a contractor come over to give an estimate on their new fence. The reason? The utility company installed smart meters that are causing them neurological problems. Come to think of it, I have been getting these headaches lately. At first I assumed my other neighbor's newly installed PV array was interacting with the fillings in my teeth, but you never know...

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