Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dianne Feinstein Commemorates The Holocaust

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein is one of the most powerful women in the world. She is the Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. This committee has oversight and budgetary control over our country's security apparatus, including the CIA, NSA, FBI, Department of State and Department of Energy. In one month, she will no longer be Chair, and her influence will be on the wane.

She has decided to give comfort to our enemies on her way out the door. The interests of the Democratic Party, the Blame America First crowd, have come before our national security interests. Yesterday, she released a report entitled, "Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program." Only nobody calls it that. Those in the legacy media have only and will only refer to this document as the "Torture Report."

To accept that definition, one has to believe that waterboarding is torture, and sleep deprivation is torture. This is a point which is debatable. I'm of the belief that torture involves physical pain and /or mutilation, and that simulating drowning would be in the category of frightening and extremely unpleasant. Our nation employs waterboarding in SERE training, so there is doubt about whether it is even excessively traumatizing.

The dinosaurs of old media are credulous of the report's central theme, that these techniques yielded no actionable intelligence. This interpretation is strongly challenged by, among others, former CIA Directors George J. Tenet, Porter J. Goss and Michael V. Hayden.

A major argument against enhanced interrogation has been that it is a corruption of our "values." A nation that has been destroyed may have had noble ideals, but it abdicated its primary moral obligation: survival. The original adherents of the Geneva Conventions for nations at war could not conceive that one day, a single individual might possess information that would threaten millions of lives.

Senator Feinstein, who should know better, deserves special scorn for comparing the Shoah or Holocaust to CIA's interrogation procedures. "History will judge us by our commitment to a just society governed by law and the willingness to face an ugly truth and say, never again," she said.

Never again should the Honorable Senator be in a position to slander our intelligence community.

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