Sunday, November 16, 2014

Celestial Bodies

In elliptical orbit around the sun, an icy rock continues its journey. People on our rock, earth, notice the celestial body, and focus their energies upon it. Rockets are launched toward it, and ground controllers plot their trajectories. A craft named Philae makes a gentle landing upon the surface. The brotherhood of man has made contact with the cosmos.

The reasons for this endeavor are many. Scientists curious about whether similar comets seeded our planet with water, want to understand what it is made of. Other scientists see an object like this as a potential impact threat to our planet.

Of all the reasons to intercept this comet, one at aphelion may be to encourage female gravitation to the hard sciences. Yet, supposed disservice to that has loosed the molten core of feminist rage toward a project scientist, because he displayed a shirt featuring attractive women on it.

Feminism has lost its way. The noble purpose of early feminists was equality of opportunity. Somewhere along the way, its programming became corrupted. Feminists now see any lack of equality of outcomes, as evidence of male hegemony. Since this dominance is intrinsically linked to male sexuality, any expressions of this sexuality must be smashed.

Rational people are starting to notice this totalitarianism, and are pushing back. Time Magazine published the results of a poll, which asked which words should be banned. The top answer was the word, 'feminist.' People realize that an ideology which believes men are obsolete, is inherently offensive.

When we look back at this year, we may see the beginning of oppositional force being applied to radical feminism. It was applied by Matt Taylor's socially awkward brethren, gamers. The people who play video games were awakened on August 28 by dozens of articles in industry journals that declared them dead.

Gamers responded to this attack with attacks of their own, on social media. Unfortunately, some female social justice warriors found themselves threatened online, and their personal information published. Since SJW's are notorious for false flag operations and the use of proxies, and there has not been any actual violence, I will withhold further speculation about the source of these attacks. I would never condone such attacks, only note in passing that the tactics of personal destruction were perfected by the radical left. If you are against doxxing, then don't dox anyone.

1 comment:

wergolden said...

very well written...So true what the original "feminists" were aiming for. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, believed in motherhood, fatherhood as holding equal places in parenting. She was one of the most incredible humanists there was. Unfortunately, the pendulum swings to the extreme before it can come back to the middle.