Sunday, December 14, 2014

Trust Women?

Sabrina Rubin Erdely's fable about an alleged gang rape at University of Virginia has been exposed for the lie that it has always been. Feminist activists' main concern about this fraud, is that it may make it harder for the accounts of real victims to be believed, and thus fewer rape victims will come forward. And for this reason, we should exclude this gigantic counterfeit from the discussion about a 'rape culture?'

Should we also exclude the account of the Fallbrook woman who falsely claimed that she was raped at knifepoint while pushing a stroller? She should have been charged with filing a false police report.

Should we exclude the story of Brian Banks, who spent more than five years in prison, for a rape he didn't commit? His accuser, Wanetta Gibson, won a $750,000 settlement from the Long Beach Unified School District, claiming the school was unsafe. When Banks was released, Gibson was never charged criminally, but was ordered to pay $2.6 million.

Radfem site jezebel is among those hand-wringing about the blow-back of Erdley's scam. Blogger Tracie Egan Morrissey wondered "why would someone lie about being sexually assaulted? What could be gained from that?" Nothing, really.

Perhaps elevated status in the progressive stack, if nothing else. There is literally noone who has the moral authority to argue with a rape victim.

We demand credible rape victims because rape is unique among crimes. It is comparable to murder, in that something central to a woman's identity is taken away, her honor and security. When there has been a murder, there is usually a dead body that offers forensic evidence of the crime. In the case of rape, the veracity of the woman, her word, might be the foundation of the complaint.

The definition of rape has been expanded to include all sorts of unwanted sexual contact. If a woman is intoxicated, she cannot consent to sex; this is now considered rape. If the intoxicant is alcohol, it is impossible to determine a level of intoxication, after the fact. In this scenario, a victims's fidelity to the truth is critical to building a case.

There is also a category of rape now called, 'spousal rape.' I cannot imagine another scenario where the integrity of the victim's account is more important. The reason we must demand rape victims be completely truthful is because they alone bear the burden of rape, and the burden of proof.

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